Monthly Membership Fitness Park

MKD 4.500,00
inc. VAT 18%

Со оваа претплата добивате едно месечен пристап до објектот и право да ги користите услугите на Фитнес Парк. Претплатата ќе се еднократно, во износ од 4500 денари. Сумат ќе бидат наплатена од вашата дебитна или кредитна картичка која што ќе ја пријавите при купување на оваа услуга.

Изберете опција пред да го додадете производот во кошничката

With this subscription you get one month of access to the facility and the right to use the services of Fitness Park.

Every goal needs strength to be conquered; every trip needs strength to be fulfilled. Thus, we brought the best equipment in a spacious and well lit place where you can regain your power and refresh your muscles. Give full breath to your body through all your senses; feel beautiful and strong through pleasure.

Industrial and elegant, premium class atmosphere in a spacious and open interior where sensitive music and micro climate are optimized to the highest level in order to provide you with a high-end experience in sport facility. The equipment is professional TechnoGym, top of the line in the industry, carefully navigated through the best instructor in the region.




Work your muscles in every way possible in this class designed to build strength, add definition, increase your bone density, and decrease your body fat by increasing your lean muscle. Speed up your metabolism and burn more calories when you work out and during resting. Change the shape of your body in an optimal way, no muscle gets neglected in this class!


With the use of hand weights, real-life functional movement patterns such as twisting, bending, pushing, pulling, lunging and squatting are executed in a fun and creative way. You will walk out feeling more confident and ready to take on the daily activities. Core training, balance and flexibility are all included to create a well-rounded program. Because of the multi- joint movement patterns, you will feel a real “commotion” in your core!


Blast your cardio fitness level through the roof with a full class of the best cardio training the instructor feels like throwing at you! Some days you may do kickboxing, some days step, some day’s high/low impact, and some days sports conditioning – come prepared to sweat, breathe hard and get super fit!


Circuit training is an excellent boredom buster! Whether you’re cycling, running steps, jumping rope, doing squats, planks, or conditioning on the stability ball – your mind won’t have time to wander, and your body will turn into a calorie burning machine! All fitness levels welcome.


This class targets the waistline, abs, obliques, lower back and gluts. Combining traditional abs exercises, along with squats, lunges and lower back stretches to help shape, define and shrink the waistline, all while sculpting the beach body you always wanted!

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